Story Board 9

The Story Board is where YOUR stories are shared. Use it to heal, inspire or be inspired.

So, what’s your story?

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9 thoughts on “Story Board

  • Crystal

    I was once afraid to shine. I was made to feel ashamed of success. I became afraid to show how my knowledge, to accomplish things, to be smart. I started to lose ME.

    I finally gained ME back when I realized that my essence is undeniable. I am smart, I am bold, I am ME– and I will always be!

    Sparklers, do not be afraid to shine. Some one will always be afraid of your light while others are seeking it. LIGHT THE WORLD!

  • Lucine

    I’m a writer within. I am creative but my formal education is Human Services. I feel disconnected and recently resigned from my job after 2 weeks.
    I had to for my sanity. I felt like a caterpillar who stayed in the cocoon too long , dieing to get out.
    I have books waiting to come out and spread their wings, symphonies and more…
    I have to self motivate or I’ll scream at quitting the job but that’s the only way I would have the courage to fly. Think I’m crazy?…..

  • Crystal

    You definitely are NOT crazy. The world only changes by the brave who dare to step out. People like you! You are a #Sparkler !!!

  • Lee-Ann

    I’m not a writer, but it’s nice to know I have a forum where I can vent, seek advice and gain perspective on life. Thank you Crystal for creating this website/blog.

    So here’s my story for today: I’m at a point in my life where I feel a bit lost. I have a loving husband, a beautiful and intelligent son, 2 adorable dogs, a house and a job that pays the bills. In my mind I feel like the things I listed above is the American Dream and yet I still feel like I haven’t accomplished anything and have no idea what my next steps in life should be. I pray to God frequently and ask for guidance. Is it bad to want more? I would love to be in career that I actually enjoy but the logical side of me knows I have too many responsibilities to start a new career path right now. I tell myself all the time I should just be grateful for what I have and leave everything else in the Lord’s hands. I just don’t know what to do….

  • Terrie-Ann

    So I started my health and wellness journey and business in September. Since then I’ve lost 17lbs and looking and feeling great. I’ve been helping others on their journey as well. These products from Total Life Changes are amazing! I thank God for blessing me with this wonderful opportunity to start a “spark” in others.

  • Sparkler

    Hi Lee-Ann,

    I think it is normal to feel like you are capable of doing more. It is not selfish at all, its all a product of growth. You never know what you can do until you are either forced to or desire to. I know how you feel, I have been there. Maybe you can try a hobby first, hobbies often turn in to successful careers. Enjoy what you have but do not be ashamed to desire to be more or do more.

  • Deanna

    For a few years I had been earnestly asking God to show me an area where I can glorify his name. I wasn’t a singer, I do not necessarily enjoy speaking in large forums (so I thought that being called to be as pastor was way out of the park for me). Then in these last few months I began to understand that in God’s timing, he will fully equip you with everything you need to do whatever it is He wants you to do. This led me to create a website called, in order to encourage women from all backgrounds, in their walk with Christ. Since then, it’s as if whenever I feel like whenever I feel like there’s too much to do and that I may not be able to do a task that He has set for me, He always seems to step in and help me to do it all.

    I now know the truth behind calling God my helper, my counsellor, my provider and my Father. He is always there to do all of those things and more and He will never let me fail because 1. He loves me and 2. I now have His last name. I believe this is true for everyone who learns to fully lean on Him

  • hersparkinc Post author

    That is fully understood here! For fear, we tend to run from what seems unusual for us or even uncomfortable. God definitely uses the uncomfortable to make the greatest of impacts. Keep going, keep relying on Him and stay uncomfortable!